Where the money goes
Where the money goes – the wisdom of Aegium
Donations made to Aegium Foundation help fund important age-redefining initiatives both now and in the future.
With our finger on the pulse of emerging initiatives, we can identify where funds will make the most difference and be most effective at any time to achieve real progress or tangible results.
Our sustainable funding model
Aegium Foundation funds are invested and the income they earn provides the support for our initiatives in perpetuity.
This model, combined with our low administration costs of around 9%, ensures your contribution is maximised and keeps on giving. When you support Aegium Foundation, you are not only supporting more positive ageing for today’s seniors but for your own older age and that of future generations.

“Pervasive ageist stereotypes of older people as uniformly frail, burdensome and dependent are not supported by evidence and limit society’s ability to appreciate and release the potential human and social resources inherent in older populations.”
World Health Organisation
Discover more about Aegium Foundation
- Learn how your company can help – Corporate support multiplies individual goodwill so we can achieve more.
- Meet our partners – We partner with major institutions and their visionary people. Learn more
- Discover our history – Founded in Queensland to have far-reaching effects. Learn more
- Donate now – It’s simple to give your support. Donate to Aegium Foundation today.